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【營繕組公告】Notice of Power Outage 111年度本校分區停電作業通知

主 旨:依據「110學年度行事曆之高壓電設備檢測及維修」工作之需要,111 (明)年1月29日及2月12日兩天將分區停電,特此通知以便各單位預先規畫行程。

Subject :
To cooperate with the " High Voltage Equipment Inspection and Maintenance in the First Half of the 2022 ", the power supply of all campus and dormitory will be temporarily suspended on January 29th and February 12th, 2022. Planning ahead will help you make better program.

【說 明 Description】:

一、停電區域 Area and Date of Power Outage:

January 29th (Saturday), 2022
The second campus
The dormitory area

February 12th (Saturday), 2022
The first campus
The third campus

二、 惠請轉告週知並請於停電時間前及早關閉相關用電設備,如:電腦設備等避免送電時發生不可預期損壞,廁所用水及飲用水如有需要請事先儲水備用。
2. Please inform the public and turn off the relevant electrical equipment such as computer equipment as early as possible before the power outage time so to avoid unexpected damage after power supply. The water for drinking and washing (toilet) might also be preserved in advance.

3.During the suspension of power supply, in order to avoid unforeseen accidents, please do not start electrical or computer equipment or take elevators.

四、如工程提前完工,將提早送電;惟倘工作發生特殊困難,可能延緩送電,不便之處,請 諒察。
4.If the project is completed ahead of schedule, the power should be delivered earlier; however, if there are special difficulties in the work, the power delivery may be elayed. Please understand the inconvenience.

5.In case of failure to work under special circumstances, the power outage will be cancelled, and another announcement will be made after the date of the next power outage is determined.

六、連絡人 Contact person:
王先生 (Mr. Wang ) ,分機5219 (手機直撥 Phone:05-6315219),手機 Cell phone:0932-598809。

總務處營繕組 敬啟


Division of General Service

2021/09 /02

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