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【事務組公告】Notice of Tree Pruning Operations 1120425樹木修剪作業通知


To: Staff Members and Students

主  旨:為維護校園安全及環境清潔,擬進行樹木修剪作業,請勿於下列期間靠近施作區域周圍,並請校內行車注意停放位置及車輛安全。特此公告周知,造成不便之處,敬請諒察。
Subject:To maintain campus safety and environmental cleanliness, tree pruning operations are planned, please do not be near the following areas during the period, and pay attention to the parking position and the safety of your vehicles.
說  明 Instrctions:
一、施工區域及時間 The area and the date of the construction 
     112年4月25日 上午8:00起至下午18:00止
    Time: Apr 25, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
施作區域如下圖紅色區塊  (Construction Area: The red area in the picture)
二、聯絡人:事務組顏小姐 05-6315229 (手機直撥05-6315229)
Note:The tree-trimming work will be postponed if it is badly affected by weather conditions.
總務處事務組  敬啟
General Service Division, Office of General Affairs
請輸入此驗證碼 : 5108
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